
Eleni Selleck

Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024

Founder of She Advocates Society

Bachelor of Laws

Community Volunteer

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Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024

Founder of She Advocates Society

Eleni has overcome many of life's challenges. Eleni ​experienced family violence from a young age where ​she was then placed into foster care. Later in life she ​was diagnosed with what she calls her ‘sprinkles of ​disabilities.’

Having completed a Bachelor of Laws, Eleni has grown ​a strong passion for advocacy. Eleni uses her ​knowledge to empower women by teaching advocacy ​skills as the Founder of the She Advocates Society.

Eleni has a strong connection to her community and ​has dedicated her life to her philanthropic work, having ​volunteered, promoted and fundraised for not-for-​profit organisations.

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Eleni Selleck


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She Advocates Society


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Charities and Fundraising

Eleni is a regular volunteer and ambassador for the charity Care Kits for Kids Queensland. Care Kits for Kids provides essential items to children (new backpacks that include new clothes, toiletries, education supplies, books, toys, quilts/wraps) which provides comfort and dignity, showing children in care or crisis that they matter and their community cares.

The charity is very close to her heart as she received a care bag when she entered foster care, as she only had the clothes on her back and her school bag. She understands the importance of these essential items for children and you can often find Eleni in the sewing room, along with the many other volunteers, creating bags and clothes for children.

Eleni is also a volunteer for the Share the Dignity charity. Share the Dignity’s goal is to end period poverty for women, girls and those who menstruate and to end the stigma that surrounds periods #wemenstruategetoverit.

Share the Dignity helps those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, domestic violence or poverty. Share the Dignity also works very closely with Care Kits for Kids providing the charity with much needed sanitary items.

You’ll find Eleni collecting sanitary items during the Share the Dignity drives!

Eleni’s time fundrasing for batyr ​inspired her to share her story and she ​has now become a Storyteller for batyr ​where she visits schools to tell her ​story and speak about mental health.

The charity batyr values the power of ​sharing our stories to promote mental ​health conversations, demonstrating ​the need to share our stories to help ​others overcome tough times and to ​support young people and their ​communities to live mentally healthy ​and fulfilling lives.

Eleni has raised over $3,000.00 for the charity batyr. The ​charity is a youth mental health service where its goal is to ​smash the stigma of mental illness and create communities ​that champion young people’s mental health and ​wellbeing.

If you would like to support Eleni’s journey, please ​consider donating!

"I truly believe that we all have the power to make a difference in our communities, whether it is through raising money, donating your time or sharing your views on a cause.

We each have the power to make an impact."


Galaxy Australia Pageants

Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024

Eleni learnt the importance of pageantry for ​young women to improve their confidence and ​encourage them to engage with their ​community.

Eleni is your Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024 and ​during her reign her goal is to continue to ​promote her platform of teaching advocacy skills ​for women through She Advocates Society.


Mrs Community Queen 2024

Mrs Media Queen 2024

Mrs Eco Beauty 2024

Mrs Social Media 2024

Seraphic the Brand Ambassador

Mrs Social Media 2023

Mrs Congeniality 2023

Did you know?

The Australia Galaxy Pageant empowers ​women to be the best versions of themselves.

The pageant has five areas of scored ​competition which includes Interview, ​Fashionwear, Evening Gown, Swimwear and ​Photogenic. Along with bonus points for ​delegates for their charity work and ​appearances within their communities.

Eleni is seen here during her crowning ​moment at National Finals.

My Sponsors

Vera Women’s Wellness provides personalised, ​wholistic care and support to heal, to restore, and to ​empower women to achieve their best health.

Vera Women's Wellness is dedicated to promoting ​women's health through healing, restoration, and ​empowerment. They recognize that each woman is ​unique and valuable, and they take the time to listen to ​her story.

At Vera, the team values and respects every woman's ​health choices, ensuring that they provide her with the ​knowledge, clinical insights, and various options ​necessary to make informed decisions about her health.




Empowering Women

At She Advocates Society our aim is to empower women by building their advocacy skills. We believe that every woman has an incredible story, journey or experience to tell. Our goal is to promote female advocates within our communities to uplift every day role models.

We believe in self-advocacy and advocating for the empowerment of others. We provide insights into useful and powerful advocacy tools to be used by women to assist in the elevation of their platforms.

Be the woman that inspires leaders

How it Began...

Our founder Eleni came up with She Advocates Society during a road trip home after competing in a pageant. She felt inspired by all of the incredible women in the Australia Galaxy Pageant and wanted to brainstorm a way to give back to her community.

She Advocates Society was born in the notes of her phone. Her inspiration stemmed from her background in law and the inspiring stories from each of the delegates who competed in the pageant. Our founder hopes to continue to promote the growth of female leaders by providing them with the tools to succeed.

Advocacy Resources

Communicate like an advocate
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Knowledge is power

Whether you are advocating for a purpose or advocating to seek answers. Be prepared when you walk into each room, where you will be required to advocate for yourself or others. Arm yourself with facts, information and data. This will help you to better portray your purpose. Even walking into a room with notes of what you want to discuss is powerful.

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Ensure you keep written records. Maintain any records, letters, correspondence or notes written at the time events occurred. Include the date and time. You might not need it but its always useful to have detailed and documented evidence.

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Develop goals

Consider the end result, why are you advocating? It’s always important to understand why as well as your end goal. Consider what are your ‘must haves’ that you can’t live without and what is something that would be nice but you can live with if you don’t receive it.

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You are not alone

Find your supports, whether that is friends, family, spouses, professional assistance or colleagues. Each of these parties may not have a vested interest in what you are advocating but may support you neither the less by attending appointments, meetings or conferences as your support person. Often, all you need to do is ask.

Group of Women Meditating Together on Meadow
women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women supporting women






We welcome women from all walks of life to learn about themselves, ​their bodies and what they can achieve through advocacy

Sign up here!

Do you want to share your story?





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Eleni Selleck


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She Advocates Society


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